Lab Canada

Product News

XRF system provides pharmaceutical catalysts analysis

Today there is a growing need for pharmaceutical catalyst analysis in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. Metal catalysts are used as part of these processes, and post-process efforts are made to remove the undesired catalyst from the material but there are often residues remaining. These residues require comprehensive quantification to meet stringent industry permissible limits, such as those specified in pharmacopoeias including those of theUnited StatesandEurope.

The bench-top Epsilon 1 XRF (X-ray fluorescence) analyzer is designed to provide a compact and cost-effective ‘out-of-the-box’ pre-calibrated solution for the analysis of residual catalysts in pharmaceutical materials. The instrument offers a pre-calibrated total solution package, including installation qualification and operation qualification procedures. Panalytical says it is designed with simplicity in mind, and this is the first time the manufacturer’s high standards of analysis are available in this class of desktop instruments.


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