Lab Canada

News CommercializationLaboratoryMaterials Science

2010 Synergy Awards highlight university-industry partnerships

November 8, 2010 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON – The recipients of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)’s 2010 Synergy Awards for Innovation have been announced. The awards recognize university-industry research and development collaborations that lead to new products. This year’s recipients…
News BiologyLaboratoryResearch Results

Tobacco and nicotine explored as a pesticide

November 4, 2010 by Lab Canada Tobacco, used on a small scale as a natural organic pesticide for hundreds of years, is getting new scientific attention as a potential mass-produced alternative to traditional commercial pesticides. That is the focus of a study by University of Western…
News LaboratoryNew Technology & Applications

Contract awarded for Mars exploration technologies

September 27, 2010 by Lab Canada Longueuil, QC – The Canadian Space Agency says it has awarded a contract valued at $6 million to MDA to develop a terrestrial prototype of a science rover for Mars exploration. MDA will design, build and test a semi-autonomous rover…
News CommercializationLaboratory

Biomedical centres to foster commercialization

November 16, 2009 by Lab Canada Calgary, AB – Two new biomedical centres at the University of Calgary have been established to accelerate development of innovative medical technology in Alberta. Federal and provincial governments, research funding agencies and the University of Calgary are partnering to create…
News Academic ResearchLaboratoryNew Facilities

Electron beam nanolithography facility opens at U of T

September 28, 2009 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON – A state-of-the-art nanotechnology research lab has opened at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. The lab will allow scientists and engineers to create next-generation devices that could significantly impact health care, information technology,…
News CollaborationsCommercializationLaboratory

$2 million funding helps new wastewater treatment technology moves a step closer to commercialization

September 24, 2009 by Lab Canada Orangeville, ON – Xogen Technologies has been awarded $2 million funding to design, build and demonstrate a pilot project for its wastewater treatment and renewable energy technology at the Water Pollution Control Plant in Orangeville. The funding is being providing…
News LaboratoryNew Facilities

New facilities to boost oil sands productivity

August 3, 2009 by Lab Canada Edmonton, AB – More than $1 million in funding is being provided to upgrade the Alberta Research Council’s Devon facility to create three new major research areas: a pilot-scale flow loop for simulating wear in oil sands pipelines; a high-productivity…